Is Healthcare A Right Or Privilege?
On February 16, 2019 by AdminIn 2015, Denitia Boshoff didn’t look forward to her annual dental exam nor did she grab some free toys. Instead what she got was an overdose of an anesthetic which destroyed her substantia nigra and the ability to produce dopamine.
When Parkinson Is More Than a Name
On January 4, 2019 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for Parkinson’s International Some moments are seared into our memories. Weddings, having children and other special occasions have a way of staying in our memory as if they happened yesterday. For Jennifer Parkinson, October 20, 2005 was her day. That was the day she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and became a member
High-protein, low carb diets
On September 28, 2018 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for Look in the mirror and you might not like what you see. You’re probably in the same boat as 100 million other Americans, either overweight or obese. The Journal of the American Medical Association and the Centers for Disese Control report that one-third of the US population is carrying around
Nioxin – the Best Hair Loss Product?
On September 12, 2018 by AdminNioxin: A Review of the Hair Loss Product By Kevin Woo for Walk down any city street on a sunny summer afternoon and you’ll see a sea of men wearing baseball caps. You might assume they’re showing pride for their favorite sports team, and in some cases, you’d be right. But upon closer
Benefits of Saw Palmetto
On September 12, 2018 by AdminSaw Palmetto: Benefits Erectile Dysfunction, Hair Loss and More By Kevin Woo for Men don’t like to talk about anything related to their prostate gland. The common (and often inaccurate) belief is if you need to talk about it, something must be wrong. Alarm bells start to go off if
Curing Erectile Dysfunction
On September 12, 2018 by AdminED Miracle: Does This How-To Guide Help With Erectile Dysfunction? By Kevin Woo for Ever since procreation was invented, men have had a love-hate relationship with their penis. The ability to pop a bountiful erection on time and on command is a surefire way to impress a partner. Around 4 BC,
Viewpoint: How to Respond to an Employee’s Serious Illness
On June 5, 2018 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for SHRM Human resource professionals tackle a range of issues in their jobs: some everyday problems and some that could have dire consequences if mismanaged. Most are prepared for questions about insurance or vacation time, but even the savviest HR pro can be caught off guard when
Businesses and Community Benefit from Employee Volunteer Projects
On March 6, 2018 by AdminBy Kevin Woo | March 6, 2018 | SHRM The U.S. economy continues to chug along. The unemployment rate is at a 17-year low, which is certainly good news for American workers. But for companies that want to add high-quality talent to their ranks, it’s tough to attract new talent. Getting a candidate
The Million Dollar Words of eDiscovery
On February 27, 2018 by AdminBy Kevin Woo Law Technology News December 15, 2009 Throughout history, humans have had miscommunications and misunderstandings. Some are comical like Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s On First?”; others can be tragic like “Romeo and Juliet.” Most of the time, a misunderstood word here or there doesn’t have far-reaching implications, but in the legal profession a
7 Tips for Planning the Great American Road Trip
On July 10, 2016 by AdminApril 14, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic The great American road trip has been glamorized on film and in music for decades. Each year tens of millions of Americans hit the roads headed to parts of the country that they previously haven’t experienced. If you’re in New England you might take a trip to
How to Get Your Car Ready for Lease Inspection
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMay 26, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic In 2015, more than 16.5 million new vehicles were sold, the highest since 2006. However, according to Edmunds and Kelley Blue Book, 25 percent of all new cars weren’t actually “sold,” instead they were leased. Leases generally run for three to four years. At the end of
How to Remove Lumps of Paint on Your Car
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMay 26, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic Nothing good can come from driving too close behind a dump truck or other vehicle carrying an exposed load. Maybe, if you’re lucky, you might get away with some dirt strewn across your hood. If you’re not so lucky, your car may get hit by a rock
How a Magic Eraser Can Damage Your Car
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMarch 31, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic It’s sweltering hot outside, and you’re certain that any parking space will leave you with a sizzling car when you return. Oh ye of little faith. Look what’s straight ahead – a spot under a tree on the shady side of the street. This means your leather
How Traffic Jams Start
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMay 27, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic It’s a Friday afternoon and you decide to cut out of work early to get a head start on the weekend. As you hit the highway, you notice that traffic is moving along really well. With any luck, you’ll be at your destination in a few hours.
Games to Play in the Car
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMarch 30, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic If Jed Clampett had included a couple of bored kids when he loaded up the truck, he would have never made it to Beverly Hills. Jed would have instructed Jethro to turn around before hitting the California state line. Anyone who has spent unstructured time in a
How is Car Performance Defined?
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMay 27, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic There are a lot of us who want a little red Corvette in our lives. It’s fast, handles well, and let’s face it, a high performance car makes you look good on an open and windy road. You might be tempted to think that taking a regular
Safe Winter Driving Techniques
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMarch 31, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic Remember the Slip ‘N Slide from childhood? They were those 16-foot long sheets of wet plastic that allowed you to gather up a full head of steam, flop on your belly, and slide with reckless abandon to a (sometimes) dangerous stop. The possibility of a crash landing
Car Hacks That Will Change Your Life
On July 10, 2016 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for YourMechanic If you’re one of those people who finds ingenious solutions to everyday problems, you’re probably the envy of all your friends. “Why didn’t I think of that?” is a phrase you hear a lot. If you can come up with fixes for cars using everyday products, consider yourself a car
What Does it Mean for a Car to be Reliable?
On July 10, 2016 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for YourMechanic We live in really stressful times. Domestically, there is uncertainty about our political future, and overseas can be a dangerous place to travel. In times like these, it’s natural for people to gravitate toward things that are reliable and familiar. People take comfort when they’re surrounded by things that they
Fuel Economy Myths
On July 10, 2016 by AdminMarch 30, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic Remember when you were a kid and your parents took you shopping for back-to-school clothes? Included on the list was probably a new pair of sneakers. The best way to tell if the shoes were any good was for you to run around the store to see
How to Ship a Car
On July 10, 2016 by AdminJune 2, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic It used to be that if you wanted to buy a car you’d head to the nearest auto mall, and spend the day shopping. After a while the cars, dealerships, salespeople, and deals blended together. Who hasn’t made an offer as the dealership was closing just to
Why You Should Always Check For Recalls on Your Car
On July 10, 2016 by AdminJune 22, 1016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic Actor Anton Yelchin was killed early in the morning on June 19, 2016 at his Studio City, California home. He was 27. Yelchin, who starred in movies such as Star Trek, was killed when his Jeep Grand Cherokee rolled backwards and pinned him against a brick mailbox
The Safest Cars for Teen Drivers
On July 10, 2016 by AdminApril 15, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic For a parent, there is nothing more terrifying than handing over a set of car keys to your son or daughter for the first time. When they hit the road, you’ll have no control of their safety. Everything will be up to them. As your young adult
Finding the Right Car Seat
On March 26, 2016 by AdminJanuary 13, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic Picking the right car seat isn’t easy. The size and type of chair you buy will, in part, be based on the weight of the chair, and the weight of your child. Nearly forty years ago, Debbi Baer, R.N., became involved in a grassroots movement in her
How to Choose an Inexpensive Sports Car
On March 26, 2016 by AdminMarch 3, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic It happens to everyone. You’re cruising down the highway, minding your own business, when suddenly a sports car zips past you. For a moment, you think about what it would be like to ditch the weekend soccer-mobile, and trade up to a two-seater that goes from 0
How to Register Car Seats
On March 26, 2016 by AdminJanuary 13, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic Americans are hesitant to part with their personal information, and given the state of the world that’s probably a prudent decision. But like everything, there are exceptions to the rule. If you’re the parent of a child who rides in a car safety seat it’s a good
How to Keep Your Convertible’s Soft Top Looking Great
On March 25, 2016 by AdminMarch 10, 2016 By Kevin Woo for YourMechanic As you take a look outside your living room window you notice something odd – the crocuses are beginning to bloom. Ah, that means spring is around the corner, and spring means road trips. This year, in addition to the usual around-the-house spring cleaning duties, you decide
Driving Mr. Jim
On January 3, 2016 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for Alzheimer’s Speaks | January 4, 2016 A few weeks ago my friend, Mary, called. We did the usual chitchat about work, kids, her cat, my dogs, and her father-in-law. For the past year Mary, and her husband, Glenn, have been full-time caregivers for Glenn’s father, Jim, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Each
Good Works: Help for SF Tenants Facing Eviction
On November 30, 2015 by AdminBy Kevin Woo California Lawyer | March 2015 THE VOLUNTEERS Attorneys can work pro bono with the Justice and Diversity Center (JDC) at the Bar Association of San Francisco to provide limited scope representation to tenants in eviction disputes. (The center also welcomes other volunteers fluent in Spanish, Cantonese, or Mandarin.) Training and on-site supervision
Good Works: AIDS Legal Services Project
On February 21, 2015 by AdminBy Kevin Woo California Lawyer February 2015 THE VOLUNTEERS: The Los Angeles County Bar Association’s AIDS Legal Services Project (ALSP) is seeking pro bono lawyers and others to help represent people living with HIV or AIDS. Paralegals and law students, especially those who speak Spanish, also are needed to interview potential clients, do research,
Good Works: Helping Minors in Immigration Court
On January 31, 2015 by AdminBy Kevin Woo | California Lawyer January 2015 THE VOLUNTEERS: Attorneys with Keker & Van Nest in San Francisco are donating 500 pro bono hours this year. THE CLIENTS: Unaccompanied minors, some as young as ten, among the thousands who arrive in Northern California from Central America and Mexico, seeking refuge in the United States.
Golden Tickets
On December 30, 2014 by AdminBy Kevin Woo, Facility Manager, December 2014 Chris Aurilio is a funny guy. His workday centers on comedy, development of the next generation of comics, and teaching people the art of on-stage comedic performance. Aurilio is the general manager of an improv club called The PIT in New York City. But along with nurturing up-and-coming
Good Works: Little Claims, Big Differences
On December 13, 2014 by AdminBy Kevin Woo | California Lawyer December 2014 by Kevin Woo | December 2014 THE VOLUNTEERS: Calling all lawyers in the Los Angeles area. THE CLIENTS: Low-wage workers in Los Angeles County, who often find that their employment claims are too small for private lawyers to take on. THE WORK: The legal nonprofit Bet Tzedek
Richard H. Lee, a partner and litigator at Salisian Lee in Los Angeles, is a smoker. That doesn't always go over well - even though he smokes only about a pack of cigarettes a week, along with an occasional cigar. So he's always mindful of whom he invites along when he pops into a cigar bar to relax: "I'm very careful not to put someone I only know professionally in an awkward position." - See more at: Kevin Woo California Lawyer | June 2014 Richard H. Lee, a partner and litigator at Salisian Lee in Los Angeles, is a smoker. That doesn't always go over well - even though he smokes only about a pack of cigarettes a week, along with an occasional cigar. So he's always mindful of whom he invites along when he pops into a cigar bar to relax: "I'm very careful not to put someone I only know professionally in an awkward position." For more than 15 years, California has prohibited smoking in restaurants and most bars and other indoor places. (See Cal. Labor Code § 6404.5.) With many outdoor locations now off limits too, the prohibitions are so thorough that it can feel almost illicit to glimpse people puffing away in the occasional shop or bar. But those venues are likely perfectly law-abiding, just benefiting from a confusing collection of exemptions. Cigar bars, tobacco shops, hotel lobbies, workplaces with fewer than five employees, and a small number of other businesses may allow smoking - as long as they don't serve food. The confusion is likely to grow as many cities and the federal government restrict the use of electronic cigarettes (which emit vapor instead of smoke), while some businesses and municipalities allow "vaping" in places where smoking is banned. A 2007 effort to close California's smoking loopholes and a 2010 attempt to ban smoking at state parks and beaches both failed when then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a cigar smoker, vetoed them. Attempts at change haven't fared any better under Governor Jerry Brown, whose reelection campaign has so far received more than $50,000 from Philip Morris USA.For more than 15 years, California has prohibited smoking in restaurants and most bars and other indoor places. (See Cal. Labor Code § 6404.5.) With many outdoor locations now off limits too, the prohibitions are so thorough that it can feel almost illicit to glimpse people puffing away in the occasional shop or bar. But those venues are likely perfectly law-abiding, just benefiting from a confusing collection of exemptions. Cigar bars, tobacco shops, hotel lobbies, workplaces with fewer than five employees, and a small number of other businesses may allow smoking - as long as they don't serve food. - See more at: more than 15 years, California has prohibited smoking in restaurants and most bars and other indoor places. (See Cal. Labor Code § 6404.5.) With many outdoor locations now off limits too, the prohibitions are so thorough that it can feel almost illicit to glimpse people puffing away in the occasional shop or bar. But those venues are likely perfectly law-abiding, just benefiting from a confusing collection of exemptions. Cigar bars, tobacco shops, hotel lobbies, workplaces with fewer than five employees, and a small number of other businesses may allow smoking - as long as they don't serve food. - See more at:
Confusing Smoking Exemptions Persist
When mom dies from Alzheimer’s
On May 10, 2014 by AdminBy Kevin Woo for Alzheimer’s Speaks A few months ago Lori Le Bay’s mom died from Alzheimer’s. Le Bay is the founder of Alzeheimer’s Speaks, an Alzheimer’s caregiver advocacy group. Le Bay’s mom suffered from the disease for more than a quarter century. While her passing was not a surprise, you can never really prepare
1111 Lincoln Road – Miami’s New Hip Event Venue
On February 5, 2014 by AdminBy Kevin Woo Our culture is filled with mononyms. Elvis is the king of rock and roll, and Bono is the face of fusion philanthropy. With a little thought we can come up with others such as Cher, Madonna, Twiggy, Penn and Teller. You get the idea. If we take liberties with the exact definition
When $765 million isn’t enough
On January 16, 2014 by AdminBy Kevin Woo, January 16, 2014, for Alzheimer’s Speaks Last August the National Football League settled a lawsuit with its players union. The league agreed to create a $765 million fund for retired players who suffer the effects of repeated head trauma. The fund is designed to last for 65 years to take into account
Co-parenting during the holidays isn’t for the faint of heart
On October 27, 2013 by AdminFor children of divorce, the holidays can be anything but happy. Relationship expert Monique Honaman provides advice on how you and your ex can make the holidays memorable for your kids. By Kevin Woo October 27, 2013 Christmas is less than two months away. Kids around the world look forward to
Planning for Passionate Attendees
On October 24, 2013 by AdminOrganizers increased attendance and media coverage at an annual Arabian Horse Show by adding unique entertainment that would excite the audience. By Kevin Woo September 2013 VIPs can be a pretty finicky bunch. Some demand nice comfy beds. Some want their quarters away from others, so as not to be disturbed, while others want to
Can cocoa or coconut milk hold the cure for Alzheimer’s disease?
On August 18, 2013 by AdminBy Kevin Woo, August 18, 2013 Today I spent some time researching some recent studies relating to Alzheimer’s disease. To my surprise (perhaps skepticism?) I found two stories about the benefits of every day consumer products – cocoa and coconut oil – that claim to have beneficial effects for patients with the disease. According to
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